Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall Break

Fall break is FLYING by! We got a new dog named Libby. We went to Schnepf Farms with Aleisha's family. We went to the movies. We are going to the zoo. Busy, busy, busy. Oh, and the house is clean and the back and front yards look a okay. Oh, and the Halloween decorations got put up. My life could be amazingly organized if I just didn't have to work!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In memory of my hair-RIP

I had to put up this pic in memory of my hair. Granted, my hair doesn't usually look this good. Truth be told, it's usually in a pony tail and I have felt Marsha Bradyish forever now. I have been dying to cut it, but couldn't part with my long hair. Well, today, I cut it. I have mixed feelings. I'm sad. But, I'm glad, too. When I'm feeling a little better about it, I'll put up a pic of the new do. I'm trying to change things in my life for the better...this hair cut is representative of me changing. It's hard, but I'm trying. It makes me sad sometimes (just like cutting my hair made me sad), but I'm doing my best. Take it one day at a foot in front of the other.